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Student Posters - 2011
The 2011 AIHce was held in Portland, Oregon. Nine students prepared and presented posters.
Kimberly Anderson, T. Renée Anthony: Investigation of Particle Bounce on Human Aspiration Efficiency: A Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Study. Note: Received "Best Poster" from the AIHA Aerosol Technology Committee
Lorenzo Cena, T. Renée Anthony, Thomas M. Peters. A Personal Nanoparticle Respiratory Deposition (NRD) Sampler. Note: Received 1st Place, Best in Conference and Best Poster, Graduate Students
Daniel Ellickson, Patrick O'Shaughnessy. Assessment of Microscopy Methods for Distinguishing Engineered Nanoparticles from Incidental Nanoparticles
Matthew Hibbs, Thomas M. Peters, T. Renée Anthony.Capture Velocity with Slot Entry to Conical Hood
Barry Hill, KL Bunker, GS Casuccio, B Pacolay, D Ott, MR Ferreri, TM Peters.Evaluation of Field Portable X-ray Fluorescence in Detection of Engineered Nanoparticles
Mitchell Kang, Daniel E. Ellickson, Patrick O’Shaughnessy. Measurement of the Dustiness of Nanoparticle Powders with a Modified Single-Drop Tester.
Jacob Krzystowczyk, T. Renée Anthony. Exposure Assessment for Automotive Repair Tasks in an Attached Garage
Krzystowzcyk 2011 AIHce Poster
Mark Lebeck, Hans-Joachim Lehmler, T. Renée Anthony. Recruitment and Enrollment of Rural Non-Farming Iowa Households for the Evaluation of Agrichemical Exposures
Brian Pavilonis, WT Sanderson, PT O’Shaughnessy, JA Merchant.The Association between Residential Proximity to Animal Feeding Operations and Childhood Asthma Note: Received Best Poster from the AIHA Occupational Epidemiology Committee
Other 2011 Conference Posters
In addition to AIHce, students presented research at AAAR (American Association of Aerosol Research) and the Iowa Governor's Safety Conference.
2011- AAAR: Kimberly Anderson, T. Renée Anthony. Investigation of Particle Bounce on Human Aspiration Efficiency: A Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Study
2011- Iowa Governor’s Safety & Health Conference: Kimberly Anderson, T. Renée Anthony. Computational Fluid Dynamics Study Investigating the Effect of Ventilation Rate and Exhaust Geometry on Airflow Patterns and Particle Dispersion in a Swine Barn