In 2013, the AIHce was in Montreal.  Ten graduate students prepared and presented posters:

Kimberly R. Anderson and T. Renée Anthony. Does Wearing a Hat Reduce Exposures? An Examination of Particle Aspiration   Note:  Received "Best Student Poster" from the AIHA Computer Applications Committee

Anderson 2013 AIHce Poster

Michael Gallagher, M Nonnenmann, M Hornick, S Reynolds, J Levin, V Boggaram. Evaluation of Pulmonary Function Cross-Shift Changes in Dairy Parlor Workers Using Spirometry and Exhaled Nitric Oxide   Note:  Received "Best of Session" for Graduate Student Posters

Gallagher 2013 AIHce Poster

Benjamin J. Getschman and T. Renée Anthony. Evaluation of the Validity of the Inhalable and “Total” Dust Performance Ratio

Getschman 2013 AIHce Poster

Elanie M. Girlando, Matthew W. Nonnenmann, Lucy Desjardin, Travis Henry. Sampling for Airborne Influenza Virus Using RNAlater®: A New Approach

Girlando 2013 AIHce Poster

Deirdre R. Green and T. Renée Anthony. Serving More than Food: Noise Exposures in Local Restaurants

Green 2013 AIHce Poster

Adrianne R. Horne and Patrick T. O’Shaughnessy. An Investigation of Carbon Nanotube Exposure Assessment Methods

Horne 2013 AIHce Poster

Madeleine K. Hornick, Matthew W. Nonnenmann,Thomas M. Peters. Evaluating Exposure to Inhalable Dust among Dairy Parlor Workers

Hornick 2013 AIHce Poster

William A. Leach, Patrick T. O’Shaughnessy. Effect of Deposited Polydispersed Particles on Respirable Cyclone Penetration

Leech 2013 AIHce Poster

Jessica B. Mills, Thomas M. Peters, Jae Hong Park. Evaluation of the DiSCmini Personal Aerosol Monitor for Submicrometer Sodium Chloride and Metal Aerosols. Note:  Received "Best of Session" for  Graduate Student Posters and "Best Student Poster" from the AIHA Aerosol Technology Committee

Mills 2013 AIHce Poster

Joel A. Ramirez, Ralph Altmaier, Nathan Fethke and Patrick O'Shaughnessy. Innovative Breathing Simulation Developed to Measure Filtering Face-piece Respirators Performance. Note:  Received "Best Student Poster" from the AIHA Engineering Committee

Ramirez 2013 AIHce Poster